Gary MacKenzie Awarded Life Membership at Central Football AGM

Central Football held their 24th Annual General Meeting online on Monday 27 May with the highlight being the bestowment of Life Membership on former Central Football Board member Gary Mackenzie of Whanganui. MacKenzie stood down from his Board position in 2023 after six years and was recognised for both service to the Federation and his considerable contribution towards football in the Whanganui region as a coach, administrator and keen supporter and advocate for the women’s game.

Current Board Chair Jamie Hall of Hawkes Bay was re-elected by members for a further term and confirmed as Chair, whilst the Federations Annual Report was circulated including reports from the Chair,  CEO Darren Mason and department heads John McGifford, Leon Birnie and Donald Piper. In his report, Chair Jamie Hall detailed progress with the land the Federation purchased in Taranaki in 2017 confirming that the sale of this was due to settle in mid-2024 and that a Charitable Trust had been formed to manage this asset.

In terms of the financial position, the Federation posted a consolidated profit (combined operating and Taranaki land project) of $135,253 which was helped by some additional funding to support the FIFA Women’s World Cup Legacy projects.


Chair Jamie Hall thanked the clubs, members, sponsors, funders and other stakeholders for their ongoing contribution of football in the Federation and made a special mention of, and congratulated and thanked new Life Member Gary MacKenzie for his contribution to Central Football and the game across the Federation.


Article added: Friday 31 May 2024


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