Hi Team,

We have made some tweaks to the calendar for the remainder of the season.

This is what will now run at our last three meetings:

Saturday April 15th  -  Start time 5pm.

  • Hydraulink 26 & Under Superstock Champs.
  • Under 23 Stockcar Champs.
  • Peter Kuriger Engineering New Zealand Minisprint Grand Prix.
  • Taranaki Modified Champs & Ginge Hayward Memorial.
  • Adult Ministocks.
  • Streetstocks.

Friday April 28th  -  Stat time 5pm.

  • Streetstock Best Pairs.
  • Youth Ministocks.
  • Stockcars.
  • Modifieds.
  • Minisprints.
  • Adult Ministocks.

Saturday April 29th  -  Start time 5pm.

  • West Coast Stockcar Teams Champs.
  • Plews Saloon Memorial.
  • Midget King of the Mountain Champs & Heritage Shield.
  • John & Gary Adamson Superstock Memorials.
  • Naki Nitro Ramp Demolition Derby.

End of Season Prize Giving

This will be held on 10th June.

Registering to Race

Please register to race for the next meeting on April 15th.  A reminder that registered competitors are reviewed at Tuesday nights committee meetings to ensure there are enough cars in each class so it is in your interest to register before that.


Drivers, an opportunity to promote your car, your sponsors and speedway at the upcoming Motorfest show that will be held on April 22nd. If you would like to register, please do so via the button below.

Well Done

Well done to all our club members that have achieved results over the weekend and over the season.  We have seen ā€˜sā€™ cars showing up in results all over the place which is awesome.

Have a great rest of the long weekend and we will see you all at the last few meetings and then prize giving.

The MG Taranaki Stratford Speedway Team

Register to race
Register for Motorfest