Wishing all our supporters, sponsors and extended club family a very Merry Christmas and safe holidays.

2023 has been a great year for the club, our community support has been excellent and continues to grow. We have seen growth in our members with 11 netball teams and growing numbers with our Junior Rugby which is amazing to see. We hope to continue that growth and develop Basketball, Women's rugby and Touch in 2024.

Premier Rugby had another strong year with a good number of players being selected for representative teams. We look forward to seeing this continue next season.  

Once again we would like to take this time to say an appreciative thank you to all our generous sponsors and volunteers.  Our clubs growth and achievements couldn't be where they are today without you so a special thank you from our UMS Committee.

We are excited to announce our coaching lineup for our Premier side and look forward to another year of quality rugby.  Coaching teams for our Senior Development and Colts are also underway with great support. 

The draw is out for our Premier Rugby teams and we look forward to seeing you all there.

Photo credit: Island Capture