Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! We hope you've enjoyed a wonderful summer, balancing time with whānau, exploring our beautiful country, staying active for the upcoming season, and finding moments of rest and relaxation.

Our team is already in full swing for pre-season, and we're excited about the development opportunities Centres are planning to support participants in 2025.

In this update we announce a new vacancy and welcome our newest team member - Nick Burton. Additionally, NetballSmart have launched a revamped warmup, aimed at enhancing player safety and performance.  Keep reading for so much more.

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The Mainland Team

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Introducing Nick Burton our Mainland NetballSmart Development Officer

Kia ora Koutou Everyone! 

My name is Nick, and I have recently become the new Mainland NetballSmart Development Officer. I have transferred from the WBOP zone in the same position, so the space is not new to me, but I am excited to work in a new zone and be part of the Amazing Mainland Netball Team! 

I am a pretty active lifestyle person and enjoy spearfishing and diving in my spare time (the water temperature is the adjustment here!) and am also a Rugby Referee on Saturday’s so you might see around a rugby field at your local clubs during the winter! My dad’s Whanau is based in North Canterbury and spend a lot of time with them when I can.  

I’m also a bit of a sport nerd so if you get on the topic with me, I will chat for hours lol. I'm excited and passionate about developing the Netball game in my area and always open to a chat so if you see me around don’t be shy to come and say hi 😊. 


Coaching - It's a Team Effort
Umpiring Updates
Twilight Netball: Shine on Court, Not in Your Earrings!
Centre Information
Voting is now open for 2024 Favourite Sporting Moment at the ISPS Handa Halberg Awards. Click on the image below to vote for the Silver Ferns winning the Constellation Cup!

New Year Honours for Nelson netball stalwart

Congratulations Priyani Therese de Silva-Currie from Nelson Netball Centre for being acknowledged as a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for her services to netball, multicultural communities and civil engineering in the 2025 New Year Honours.

Click here for the full article: Netball New Zealand