Happy New Year to all our Club members and welcome back. 

We are busy planning your 2022 netball season so it will be another great one with lots to build the strong Whanau culture we pride ourselves on. 


On 19 December 2021 we were once again lucky to be invited to run the monthly Coffee and Cars sausage sizzle. Although this had been postponed twice previously, we were still able to make a profit which will be used to help develop our youth team program. Thanks again to Southward Car Museum for your generosity.



We are currently looking for Coaches and Managers as the club grows, and are working with Netball Kapiti and Netball Central to provide coach development. If you are interested in coaching or managing a team or know someone who is then please contact the club at clubfusionnetball@gmail.com



With trial dates set, player registrations are now open, follow the link below and get your registrations in today:


Trial Dates

Wednesday 16th Feb 7-9 pm

Sunday 20th Feb 10 am-12 noon

Callbacks Monday 21st Feb 7-9 pm 

It is important that players come to both of the first 2 trails so the selection panel can see you all.

Please note that it is very likely that all players for this coming season will need to provide their Vaccination passports. We at Club Fusion will follow and support the decisions made by Netball Kapiti.



It is a requirement that Club teams supply umpires for games in the Kapiti competition. We understand that umpiring for many players is an extremely scary idea and want to build a Club Fusion Umpires Group, not too different to that of Netball Kapiti.

We are currently looking at the possibility of grants so that we can compensate players that are happy to give their time to cover club and team allocated umpire duties. 

If you would like to be a part of this group please email Mel at the clubs' email and we can start working towards setting this up.  Remember, the bigger the pool of umpires we have, the more of the load can be shared.

Well, that's a lot of information for our first eNewsletter so we will leave it there till next month.

Again welcome back to 2022 we look forward to seeing you all this season! 


Your Club Fusion Board