

Contact Details

Name:          Jurgen Perlich
Phone:          09 438 9032 or 021 125 6048
Email:           [email protected]


Karate is an excellent sport for self-discipline, confidence and coordination. Classes normally run for people all ages, with some clubs specialising with early development from 4yrs. Karate is challenging, rewarding and loads of fun.


Karate is a sport that can be practiced all year round. You can find a club that runs all year with Christmas/New year being the only time they stop.

School Program:

Karate is a good addition to school sport, it decreases aggression, increase self regulation and self control, increases self esteem and confidence, it increases concentration ability and a better attitude to learning beside the range of physical benefits. It also promotes social inclusion. Any interested schools please contact Jurgen to discuss a tailor made program with qualified instructors.

Events/Tournaments: 2019.


Northland Open

Auckland Classics

Auckland Primary and Intermediate Karate Champs

Auckland Secondary Karate Champs

Auckland Open

Sugihara Cup


NZ Open Champs

National Champs

NZ Secondary Schools Champs

There are also many international tournaments and in 2020 karate is a discipline at the Tokyo Olympics.

​Karate NZ Yearly Registered club contacts for Northland:

BUMONJUKU KARATE             Jurgen Perlich          021 125 6047           www.bumonjuku.org
KARATE SHITOKAI NZ             Murray Burns            09 4353161