Year 1&2 futureFERNS Netball CANCELLED today 9th May

ANZ futureFERNS Year 1&2:

Our Year 1&2 games play on Thursday afternoons.

We will start at 3.45pm to allow time for some travelling teams to get to GNC.

All teams will meet for a NetballSmart Warm Up on Ct2 (in front of the pavilion).

FutureFERNS -

Players are not to be specialised into positions at this level, and should be rotating positions so they learn skills for, and experience them all.

Reminders for all Players:

  • Players fingernails need to be short, and all jewellery removed (exception taped medic alert bracelet)
  • No scores are taken.
  • KIA PAI – Keep it Positive and have fun!

This week’s skill focus is BALANCE.

Activity 1: In the River, On the Bank - Video Link:

Activity 2: The Orchard - Video Link:

Coaching Points:

*Feet shoulder-width apart

*Bend at knees and hips

*knees in line with feet

*Head & eyes up


*Feet too wide

*Feet side by side

*One foot in front of the other