Hello Club is here​​​​​​​

We are installed, let us know if there are any issues, or feedback..


What can we do from Hello Club?

- Court bookings

- Customise your profile

- Create circle of friends

- Manage and pay your member subscription

- Access the club

- Control the court lighting

- Pay to play for casual membership

If anyone has any struggles with Hello Club check out the help centre Click here.

For any more serious, unsolveable issues get in touch with a Committee member who will either be able to help, or get the problem sorted through our Hello Club support.

Some helpful pointers to date:

- Use of the emergency exit buttons (covered) will override the power and force open the doors.  This requires a manual reset, get in touch if this occurs it is no major.

- If there is a constant beeping/noise, close the door, open the door fully using tag or PIN, and allow the door to close on its on.  This is caused by some kind of anti-force system.

- At the time bookings, log into the kiosk, touch the time you want and click start, do the same to end the session. 

Casual Access and Online booking information.

Want to play squash?

Want to get fit in your lunch break?

Want to settle an office rivalry?

Te Rapa Squash Club on Vickery Street enables you to do all of this.  

1. Register to Hello Club for free on the other side of this page.

2. Send through your vaccine passport or show to a committee member.

3. Click on booking, and choose a 45 minute time slot.

4. Pay online, and you will recieve your access code, and booking information.


The document in the middle of this page offers a step by step guide.

This will allow you access to our club, and lights will be on for the duration of your booking.


- Lights will only be on for the duration of your booking.

- Cost of booking is $10 for a 45 minute block.

- You require your own equipment.

- Casual bookings are only available between 6:00am and 3:00pm, and not available during planned events.