Census Reports

School Sport NZ Representation Census 2023

Many thanks to everybody in schools and in RSD offices who assisted in this exercise; without you this invaluable data would not be available for the benefit of national bodies, regional sports development personnel, schools and, not least, you the provider.  Your contribution has allowed us to gather the data that shows just how large and how important the secondary schools sports sector is.

1. 2000 – 2023 Summary of School Sport Representation & Teacher Involvement Rates: Click Here

This is a summary of regional and national rates of students who represented their school in sport from 2000 - 2023 and the involvement of teaching staff.

2. 2023 School Sport Representation & Teacher Involvement in Sport by Region: Click Here

This is a summary, categorised by region, of students who represented their school in sport in 2023 and the involvement of staff. It also identifies the representation rates of boys and girls.

3. 2023 School Sport Representation by Sport: Nationally and Regionally: Click Here

Numbers representing their school or coaching, managing and officiating each individual sport are presented both Nationally and by Region.

4. 2000 - 2023 Change & Trends in School Sport Representation by Sport: Click Here ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

A summary of the changes in rates of students that have represented their school in each individual sport from 2000 - 2023.


Go to the Census page of the School Sport NZ website Click here for notes on how to edit your groups so that they have the School Sport NZ information on them.

If you have any problems check with your school’s MUSAC administrator or phone the MUSAC helpdesk 0800 600 159

PC School Users:

For instructions on how to produce the Census Click Here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


KAMAR Users:

For KAMAR Manual for Sports Co-ordinators including instructions on how to produce the Census use the link below:


Any problems call the KAMAR helpdesk or email them on [email protected] ​​​​​​​

Excel Spreadsheet Users:

For instructions on how to produce the Census on the Excel Spreadsheet Template provided by your RSD Click Here


KAMAR & MUSAC or PC Schools.

School Sport NZ has worked with the developers of the most common Student Management Systems, KAMAR, MUSAC & PC Schools to include a sports management facility as a part of their whole school system. If your school uses either KAMAR, MUSAC or PC Schools we strongly advise you to use the facility to manage your sporting data and information. See your schools system administrator for advice. KAMAR, MUSAC & PC Schools run excellent Helpdesks for any assistance you may require.

If you have questions regarding outputting the School Sport NZ Census, please use the appropriate options below:

We strongly advise that you use Kamar, MUSAC or PC Schools. They efficiently manage the sporting functions in your school. All of these will allow you to record player, coach and team information including names, contact details, fees, uniforms and much more as well as print lists that you require from time to time and, as an added bonus, will accurately produce the Census required by School Sport NZ and your RSD each November at the push of a button.​​​​​​​

For any other matters, please contact Mike Summerell at [email protected]