🏆 COLLEGE FINALS - This WEDNESDAY 3rd JULY 2024 - Go Media Stadium 🏆

In August of 2023, NZRL released the latest version of our game’s Concussion Policy.  

The science on concussion and associated injuries is continuing to evolve. Best practices for safety, management, and recovery continue to change and improve as a result. As player welfare is everyone’s top priority, please ensure you read, understand, and share the NZRL Concussion Policy.  



As per the latest NZRL Policy, a concussion is a brain injury that can occur in any sport, particularly where there is full body contact, such as rugby league. Concussion can be caused by a head knock or an impact to the body, not necessarily directly to the head. 

Full NZRL Concussion Policy 

Click here to report a suspected concussion or injury 

Note: it is MANDATORY to record and report suspected concussions through Sporty. 


Concussion can present itself through the following signs and symptoms. It is important to remember that every concussion is different, and in some cases delayed, meaning not every sign or symptom may be present with every concussion. 

Physical signs (what you may see) 

  • Loss of consciousness or delayed responsiveness 
  • Lying on the ground not moving or slow to get up 
  • Loss of balance or co-ordination 
  • Disorientation or confusion 
  • Visible injury to the face or head 
  • Seizure or convulsion 
  • Vomiting 

Clinical signs (what they may feel) 

  • Blurred vision 
  • Neck pain 
  • Headache or “pressure” in head 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Balance problems or dizziness 
  • Sensitivity to light 
  • Sensitivity to noise 
  • Concentration or memory problems 
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy or groggy 
  • Confusion 
  • Does not “feel right” 

Full NZRL Concussion Policy 


If a player has a suspected concussion from rugby league activities (game or training) then they MUST: 

  • Be immediately removed from the activity and not returned 
  • Not be left alone 
  • Not drive a vehicle 
  • Always be in the care of a responsible adult who has been informed of the player’s suspected concussion 
  • Seek medical assessment as soon as possible 
  • Stand down from games and training for 21 days, with NO exceptions 
  • Stand down from trainings after 14 days with no symptoms, with NO exceptions 
  • Complete the suspected concussion or serious injury report in Sporty 

Click here to report a suspected concussion or injury 

Full NZRL Concussion Policy