Frimley School needs to have systems in place to ensure the safety of staff and students during a potential high risk situation.


  1. To provide a school wide process for responding to dangerous situations within the school environment.
  2. Lockdown may be instigated for a range of reasons including:
    1. A request from the Police or other agencies due to dangers or events outside the school. 
    2. Parents or visiting adults whose behaviour is violent or threatening violence within the school to staff and/or students.
    3. A student whose behavior poses an immediate threat to student safety.


  1. Situations that might trigger a lockdown (real or perceived) should be immediately reported to the Principal (or delegate), who will assess the situation and trigger the lockdown procedures. Immediately following this, the Police may be called, this decision rests with the Principal or DP (or delegate). We will only use the words Lockdown when the Police have requested this. In all other circumstances it is an inside session.
  2. Due to the range of possible situations and times a lockdown may be required one of the following ‘alarms’ will inform teachers:
    1. A message over the school intercom.
    2. The school bell ringing a number of times at an unexpected time.
    3. A message delivered to the classroom teacher.
  3. Once a lockdown is signaled teachers are to:
    1. Return to their classroom or nearest secure room.
    2. If practicable, students with identified ‘high Health’ needs will be taken by an LA to the School Nurse.
    3. Lock external doors. Do not open the door under any circumstances or let anyone out of the classroom until the all clear is given. Pull curtains if you have them or blinds. Children to sit on the floor and not draw attention to themselves.
    4. Retake your roll. Email the office the names of any children who were present and who aren’t and any additional children you have.
    5. Teacher and Support staff are not to leave their room.
    6. Teachers are asked not to make contact with parents, others outside the school or the media.
    7. Teachers are to keep children in the classroom (or venue around the school) until they are asked to release them by a member of the senior management team or the Police.
    8. Support staff will stay within their teaching space, supporting teacher and students.
    9. Ancillary staff will remain in their areas, locking doors, closing blinds and following the direction the Principal or DP.
  4. Should a lockdown be necessary at lunchtime, all teachers/Staff will immediately return to their classrooms to receive students. Teachers and staff without classroom responsibilities will direct students to their nearest ‘safe room’ and contact the office.
  5. Once all students and staff are safe and on the advice of the Police the school will inform parents of the Lockdown via SeeSaw and Facebook and  endeavour to keep them updated after that on a half hour basis. We will use the same approach to announce the lifting of Lockdown.