Individual coaches can not cancel games in advance of the game. This is only done by the club or Capital Football.

Once at the ground the referee or club coaches may call off the game if they feel the ground or conditions are unsafe.


Each Friday Capital Football receive information from the various Councils on what ground restrictions we have on the football fields in the region. Please don’t refer to various Council websites to see if grounds are open or closed for the weekend’s fixtures, they advise us which fields can be used.

We make every effort to make any changes to draws by 6:00pm on Friday. Occasionally, further changes are made on Friday night or Saturday/Sunday mornings (as close to 7:00am as possible) if conditions change.

Capital Football will post updates on advising that changes have been posted. Please check your fixture at for changes. If it is transferred, postponed, cancelled, or defaulted, it will say it on your game.

Greytown Junior Football Club will post cancellations on our Facebook page as well - . We ask that coaches check the site regularly on game day and communicate with the parents of you players regarding any changes