The Saints Softball Club Would like to acknowledge all prizegiving winners/ Teams achivements throughout the 203/24 Softball season. 

            Club Awards 

  • Paul Chattington Memorial Award - Youth with the best attitude, Commitment, Helpful, Supportive, tries hard    Marcia Laurenson 
  • Benny Luke Memorial Trophy - Club Personality   Kim - Marie Aurupa 
  • Naomi Shaw Troophy - Coach of the year  Lace Tangianau 
  • Darryl Brosnahan Memorial Trophy - Most valuable Club Member Emma Laurenson 
  • Tahu - jobe Shield - Most outstanding Male Youth    
  • Stinson Trophy - Most Promising Junior player of the year  (Female)  Aria Tasi 
  • Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia U Shield - Someone who is Industrious and hard working, most conscientious    Blair Easthope 
  • He Rakau Riri, He Rakau Ronho Shield- Someone who works hard to get it right   Ashlee Dowie 

                   Winners of the Luke Memorial Trophy - Saints Premier/Major B/ Under 19 Tournament 

  • Neville Luke Memorial Trophy - Te Aroha 
  • Benny Luke Memorial Trophy - Saints Premier 1 Tournament -  Parklands Christchurch United 
  • Saints Premier 1 Tournament Top Pitcher - Stephanie Fairclough (PCU) 
  • Saints Premier 1 Tournament Top Batter - Emma Francis  (Johnsonville)
  • Saints Premier 1 Tournament- Most Valuble Player Stella Jorgenson (PCU)  
  •                  Juniors- Most Improved
  • Nara- Gene Wana- Roberston - Under 5s 
  • Kyro Perez - Under 7s 
  • Moleka Ellen-Harris- Under 13s 
  • Stella Phillips - Under 13s 
  • Rylie McClinche Under 17s 
  • Dakota Symons Under 17s                       

                                                                Best Team Members

  • Manawhakairo Strickland- Under 5s 
  • Hinauri Under- Under 7s 
  • Shantell Pickett- Under 13s 
  • Kim Aurupa Under 17s 

                         Most Valuable Player

  • Mia Bonita King - Under 5s 
  • Taitua Manu -  Under 7s 
  • Jean McCutcheon - Under 13s 
  • Jayda Walters-Rangitihi-  Under 17s 

                    Club and Team Awards 

  •  Muzzy hirts Trophy- Top Batter- Bailey Symons (Under 19s) 
  • Saints U18/U19-  Most Improved Player - Aria Tasi
  • Hilda Amaru Trophy - Most Promising PlayerRylee Watt 
  • Saints U18/U19 Most Valuable PlayerMesha Shaw-Wallace
  • Major Reserve Bat - Top Batter Bailey Symons- Premier 2 )
  • Naomi Shaw Trophy - Most Improved Meagan Stokes Premier 2 )
  • Major Reserve - Most Outstanding Player-  Bailey Symons Premier 2)
  • Premier 2 - Best Fielder-   Emily McCormick 
  • Daymond Bat - Top Batter- Premier 1)  Lace Tangianau
  • Ann Manning Trophy - Most Runs Batted InLace Tangianau 
  • S.W.S.C Amaru Trophy - Most ImprovedJayda Walters-Rangitihi
  • Saints Softball Club - Best All Rounder Trophy- Lace Tangianau
  • Club Nationals Player of the TournamentDanica Ferriso