​​​​​​​Papakura Swimming Club

Hi all

We have the Clubs AGM and Prizegiving coming up and is set down for the 9th of June, with a start time of 2pm and wrap by 5pm. More details are to follow for that very shortly.

To help us prepare can all trophy winners from last year please return them to Pavel's coaching desk as soon as you are able to. We need a bit of time to get engraving done for this years winners so your early attention to this would be appreciated.

Also to all the parents of swimmers continuing on this year it would be great to have you become part of committee. We have a few spots to fill, but also general committee members would be very welcome. More hands make light work. Depending on your level of envolvement and role it could only take a couple of hours a month of your time. Please put your hand up if you can help at any level as without the committee the club cannot exist.

If you have any queries please contact me on [email protected] .




To enter swim meets use this link


Hi Team,

Our indoor pool will be on maintenance till the 7th of April. We will have outdoor sessions.

Also, there will be a heat pump maintenance this week, so the water can be colder, depending on the weather. Please bring sports clothes and shoes just in case we will have to switch to the dryland and run session.

We will not have any sessions Friday-Monday due to the Easter Holidays.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,


Just an update on this situation

There will be no Tuesday morning training this week only.

At this stage that is all that is affected, but we will keep you informed if anything else changes.


Hi all.

Just an FYI that Pavel is unwell and wont be at trainings for at least Monday and Tuesday. Cover has been organised by CLM so sessions will continue with CLM staff, but it wont be Pavel.

Pavel will let us know on Tuesday how he is feeling for Wednesday onwards, and we will give a futher update then. 



Hi all.

Just an FYI that Pavel is unwell and wont be at trainings for at least Monday and Tuesday. Cover has been organised by CLM so sessions will continue with CLM staff, but it wont be Pavel.

Pavel will let us know on Tuesday how he is feeling for Wednesday onwards, and we will give a futher update then. 



Hi swimmers and parents.

I am just emailing to send around the official notices for this year club AGM and Prizegiving.

We are a small club but growing and has a lot of potential to be realised but without all of your support this won't happen. Part of the AGM will be asking for committee members both general and for specific roles outlined in the notice. Please put your hand and help if you are able. The commitment in terms of time will vary but will be only starting at a couple of hours a month. The more on the committee the better as duties can be shared and made light work of. All roles will be given a good handover from the current person so you won't be left floundering.

Thank you, and if you have any queries, please let me know as I will be happy to answer them.




Click here for the AGM invitation.


Click here for the Notice of our AGM


Click here for the Nomination form to join our committee.