This is a Sports Council that will be run by students for students.  ​​​​​​​

We are looking for a group of enthusiastic and committed students from all years to assist the Sports Room in various ways from assisting at school exchanges to running lunchtime activities.  Listed below are some of the things that the Council will do.

Role of the Freyberg High School Sports Council

  1. Promote sport at assemblies
  2. Run lunchtime activities e.g. hand ball in the gym, four square out on the courts
  3. Being a presence in our school to answer questions etc from Junior or other students or to direct them to someone who can help them
  4. To help at exchanges as ambassadors and runners
  5. Help the Sports Room at sports trials e.g. Netball as runners/timers/umpires
  6. Help the Sports Room at busy times, getting gear bags organised, balls pumped up etc
  7. Support school teams and individuals where possible.  Especially our juniors.
  8. Promote good sideline behaviour
  9. Attend a short weekly meeting
  10.  Promote Freyberg sports on social media

If you are interested, please fill in the application form.  There will be a limited number of students from each year.  Applicants do not necessarily have to play sport.  Students are to commit for the full year.