
Umpire Clinics


Always wanted to learn how to umpire a Softball game?

Want to learn the basics of the game?

Want to know the basic rules of the game softball?

Want to learn how to become an Official SNZ Umpire?

 For a small fee you could attend an Umpire Clinic run by Cass Seeling and Rebecca   Taylor.

 Please register your interest with our secretary [email protected]

 A minimum of six attendees have to be registered and paid for a Clinic to go ahead.

 Western Bay of Plenty Softball Association Umpires

 WBOPSA Chief Umpire & SNZ Umpires Assessor: Cass Seeling (Lvl 6)

 Level 6

  • Rebecca Taylor 

 Level 5

  • Antony (Bunchy) Te Wheoro 

 Level 4

  • Eru Osborne
  • Irene Curnow 
  • Aroha Te Wheoro 

 Level 2

  • Zamia Holloway 
  • Lil Saunders 

 Level 1

  • Mark Watchmen
  • Paul Goodall 
  • Roger Marshman 
  • Vance Tuheke 
  • Linda Thurlow 
  • Kruise Tuheke 
  • Larnie Peters 
  • Adam Burell 
  • Aaron Harawira 
  • Linsay Martyn 
  • Patrick Zeinert 
  • Kelly Egan 
  • Tamati Tuheke
  • Koru Edwards
  • Leighton Burell 
  • Mike Wood 
  • Nia Finau
  • Darryl Pukekura
  • Te Naia Renton
  • Di Renton
  • Jamaya Maruariki
  • Harlem Leatigaga-Angell
  • Kahu Moke
  • Vanessa Peka
  • Adam Burell
  • Simon Bruce
  • Simon Cade
  • Lee Campbell
  • Mike Setefano
  • Aaron Harawira
  • Tom Tipu
  • James Nuri
  • Sonny Martin
  • Alex Houkamau​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Stacey Pakeho

WBOP Umpires Test 2024



 The SNZ Rules Test goes live later this year on a currrently unconfirmed date, we will   update the website with the confirmed date when it is available. We recommend that all Senior players and L1/L2 umpires take the time to complete the first 50 questions to challenge yourself and improve your knowledge of the game.

 The test will be published on the SNZ Umpire Website.

 We strongly recommend that you sit the test online. However, if you are unable to do   so, PDF files will be available for download so that you can go through the test at your   pace and submit online before the closing date. Please note there are video questions so   it is best if you complete the test online.

 The test is open book, meaning you may have whatever resource you need to assist you   in completing the test. The SNZ Rule Book, which WBOPSA has for sale for $5 each and is on the SNZ Umpires’ website, would be a good resource to start with.

 SNZ Umpire Level One to Three members only need to complete the first 50 questions.   Level Four and above are required to attempt all 100 questions.

 Completing the test should be done individually and not as a group. Try to test your   rules knowledge against yourself and not others.

 If you have been doing the odd umpiring duty around the park, then this is a great   opportunity to become a skilled Level 2 Umpire. If you are a player, this is a great   opportunity to increase your knowledge of the rules of the game.

 Good Luck! Let Cass or Rebecca know if you have any further questions or need   assistance.

 Do you want to learn how to umpire?

"The Basics"

  • Rules from Juniors to Seniors
    • Strike Zones
    • Standard Plays or basic calls
  • Plate & Base Mechanics
    • Solo Umpiring
    • 2 man team
    • 3 man team
  • Out, safe, foul ball hand mechanics

 These are fun and easy for all to learn.

 We have avaliable Umpires & Scorers Clinics run by our Chief Officials. If you are   interested in upskilling your umpiring please email the WBOPSA   Secretary [email protected]