Training Days

Training is on THURSDAYS at 3.45 - 4.30pm on the back field by the pool at Otamatea High School, Maungaturoto. Players need to bring their own, named, water bottles to practices and games.

12th and 14th Grade: Please park on the side of the road at the north end of school (you will need to arrive after the buses have left, approx. 3.40pm)

All other grades. In the past we have all parked at the south end of the school by the school pool. This will not be possible this year as there is less space due to a couple of shipping containers being located there, as well as significantly more children playing. The prime concern here is safety for the children.

Please leave this area for coaches/managers only as they have gear/balls etc to carry for trainings.

There will be parking available in the staff car park or across the road. Once again please arrive after
buses leave (approx. 3.40pm)

  • If you see that the coach needs help: please step in.
  • If your child is being unruly, please sort them out.
  • Please have your child at training ready to go at the appointed time.
  • Players must wear soccer boots with shin pads for training (as they must also for Saturday matches).
  • All official messages will be sent via email, so please check your emails.