EVERGREEN LEGENDS from 1963 - 1980

Buddy Corlett, Brian Wareham, Dave Stewart, Gene Verrall, Ron Reilly, Hilton Early, Rocky Chote, Trevor Pinchin, Dick Cook, Ray Cranch, Bruce Bishop Keith Bingley, Ron Jackson, Kevin Guptill, Peter Joll, Don Brewer.
Wellington...Dig Nichols, Scotty Laurenson, Peter Campbell, Brian Furness, Barry Cooke, Brian Walsh, Robbie Brittain, Gordon Billings, Alan Chee, Marty Wright, Barry Nichols, Ted Nichols.
Hawkes Bay - Fred Carroll, Graham England, John Jillings, Steve Ratcliff, Brent Lucey, John Weaver, Colin Andrews.
Canterbury - Arnie Hall, Kevin Thorn, John Eager, Colin Chee, Keith Bingley, Jack Rochford.
Nelson - Peter Campbell, Dave Campbell, Ben Marshall, Kevin Cooper, Doug Thorn.
Horowhenua - Maurie Gardiner.
Waikato - George Woodcock, Seph Porteous, Gavin Woods, Barry Edge, Jack Mathews, Ken Wheatley, Sel Whitehead.
Rotorua - Kere Baker.
Wairarapa - Bob Aporo, John Mudgeway. (first attended evergreens tournaments at Manawatu in 1976 and last attended in Wanganui in 1992. Served from 1975 as Player, Registrar and Secretary until the late 1990’s. Secretary of the organisation from 1981 till 1886 and was responsible for the inclusion of Otago and Southland into the Evergreens.Worked with President Joe Liddle of Hutt Valley for the term of his service)

Hutt Valley - Joe Liddle, Bill Huston, John Hall.
Manawatu - Des Pringle, Jack Carroll, Gary Stevens.
Then you have notables who have been coming for years.
Buzz Terry, Gary Bishop, Dale Eager, John Storey (Cant.), the rest of the Gardiner family,(Horo), Terry Connolly, Ritchie Elers, Terry Franklin (H. Bay). Barry Nichols, Grant Miles, (Wgton), Alan Clarke (Wairarapa), Ken Rewcastle, Frank Goodall, Bill Sommerville (Sthland), Preston Lye (Otago).
NOTE: The four teams who played in the first Tournament at Cambridge in 1971 were:-
Wellington - Scott Laurenson, P. Campbell, D. Nichols, B. Holt, Brian Walsh, Rob Brittain, Barry Cooke, K. Gaskin, S. Whittington, A. Chee, Fred Roy, G. Gawne, H. Atkin, B. Furness, R. McRandall, Norm Laws.
Waikato - Seph Porteous, J. Mathews, S. Whitehead, G.Voyle, Geo. Woodcock, D. Tudor, F. Harlen, B. Edge, B Ellis, B Brown, R. Powell, K. Wheatley, B, Shepherd. L. Gamble.
Hutt Valley - John Hall, Barry Kite, Chris Willis, Bill Douglas, Nev Garden, Maurice Mudgeway, Brian Leeney, Bob Howe, Ken Poynter, Joe Liddle, Les Leeney.
Auckland - Pop Chote, Rocky Chote, Bruce Bishop, Alf Whelan, Ron Goodin, Dick Cook, Peter Lishman, Keith Guptill, Bob Cowley, Don Pooley, Kevin Horan, T. Minty, D. Reid, A. Bree.
Won by Hutt Valley.