of the 


The name of the Association shall be the New Zealand Womens Evergreens Softball Association  hereafter  referred to as the " Association "

a)  To promote and foster the game of softball and social activities amongst the member teams.
b)  To employ funds of the association in such a manner as shall be for the best interest of the Association.
c)  To assist and advise Host Teams with the preparation and conducting of National Tournaments.
d)  To assist Host Teams with any disputes that may arise at any National Tournament.

Teams desiring to affiliate with the association must fulfill the following conditions:
a)  Apply for affiliation to the association enclosing the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20) as Affiliation fee.
b)  Affiliation fee and form to be received by the Secretary by 31 July each year.
c)  Any team not attending a National tournament must forward the annual affiliation fee to the Secretary/Treasurer of
      the association prior to the Annual General Meeting to remain affiliated.

a)  The following officers shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting
  1. President
  2. Secretary/Treasurer​​​​​​​
b)  Officers must hold office for a minimum of two (2) years.
c)  The Annual General Meeting may appoint a Patron who will not be entitled to a vote at any meeting of the Association.

a)  The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held during the month of March at the National Tournament at a date and time to be set by the Host Association.
b)  Notice convening an annual General Meeting shall be forwarded to all member teams not later than seven (7) days prior to the date selected. Any business or remits which the association decides is of major importance shall be particularized in the Notice of Meeting. All remits to be in the secretarys hands by the 31st January.
c)  The President shall chair the Annual General Meeting. In the absence of the President the  meeting shall elect a Chairman from its members.
d)  All motions, with the exception of the Election of Officers, shall be decided on a show of hands.
e)  Each financial member present shall be entitled to one (1) vote and in the event of an equality of votes the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote.
f)  A quorum at the Meeting shall consist of six (6) member teams.

The election of officers shall be conducted as follows:
a)  Nominations in writing shall be lodged with the Secretary/Treasurer prior or the commencement of the Annual General Meeting.
b)  In the event of no nominations being received the chairman shall accept nominations at the Meeting.
c)  Voting for officers shall be by secret ballot.

a)  The management of the Association shall be vested in a committee which shall consist of:
    1)  the President
    2)  the Secretary/Treasurer

b)  The President shall once a year prepare a Report on activities of the Association for the Annual General Meeting.  She shall be a signatory for the association Bank Account in conjunction with the Secretary/Treasurer.

c)  The Secretary/Treasurer shall once a year prepare an Agenda and Statement of Accounts for the annual General Meeting.    She shall take minutes of the meetings, deal with all correspondence, keep books of accounts and be a signatory for the association Bank Account in conjunction with the President.

The financial year of the association shall begin on 1st May and end on 30th April in each year.

If upon the winding up or dissolution of the association, there remains after the payment of all debts and liabilities of the association, any surplus whatsoever the same shall be disposed of in such manner as the then members of the Association may determine at a General Meeting.

The foregoing Rules and Objects shall not be altered, added to, or rescinded except by a two-thirds majority at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.

Updated 08APR24