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Ricochet Trampoline Club combined 30 year club celebrations and 2022 prize giving reminder

Come and join us for some end of year fun and games, prize giving and a shared meal, as we celebrate the athletes success for 2022!

  1. Who - All club athletes and their families
  2. Where - Memorial Hall
  3. Time - 3:30pm to 7:30pm
  4. Date - 10 December

What we need from you. 

Please confirm your attendance and numbers by Monday 14 November please.

Food - to manage costs we ask you to support our meal by bringing a plate as follows,

1. Ricochet club committee will supply meat, buns and non alcoholic beverage.

2. 5pm recreational group - please bring a plate dessert

3. 6pm recreational group - please bring a plate Salad

Thank you for your support 

Ricochet Trampoline Club Committee