Tuition Fee Options

At present all participent being taught under the Jade River Tai Chi Auckland  banner pay fees based on age and employment considerations. Classes are once a week in most locations and concession cards are offered that provide a discount

Administration joining fee, with the first lesson free is 15.00

A: Superannuits, beneficiaries and students $60.00 for a 4 lesson concession card that has a 5 week use by date, this rounds off at 15.00 per session or 17.50 for casual attendance.

B: Employed 70.00 for a 4 lesson concession card that has a 5 week use by date, this rounds off at 17.50 per session or 15.00 for casual attendance.

C: Private lessons
One hour lessons 120.00
1/2 hour lesson 70.00

Tuition DVD and Lesson plans
New students have access to hands on tuition before the main class. This is based on the contents of the Beginners lesson plan and DVD. There are eight lesson in the plan, one for each class
A: Superannuits, beneficiaries and students:
Beginners DVD & lesson plan, with a 4 lesson consession card $80.00
This provides a easier learning format.

B: Employed 90.00

16 Step DVD & lesson plan 40.00

24 Step DVD & lesson plan 40.00

These fees are in the lower scale of current charges for similars activities such as Pilates Yoga and Martial arts, and therefore provide excellent value for money