There has been an acceptance and now active support from among specialists of various medical disciplines for the benefits that regular performance of Qigong and Tai Chi  produces.
Dr Paul Lam has produced a Tai Chi for Arthritis programme that has been very successful in helping to alleviate the impact of this debilitating condition.

A study programme by  lead author Leigh Callahan PhD University of North Carolina at the Thurston Arthritis Research Centre of the UNC concluded that the benefits of Dr Lam's programme is significant in managing Fibromyalgia, Rheumatiod Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Dr lam's programme is based on modified Qigong and Tai Chi forms that encourage self help through gentle but focused exercise.  The format allows for building confidence through progress. This involves increasing joint mobility, physical strength and improved balance by stretching and toning the body and increasing the level of exercise as ability and confidence grows.