GATE (Gifted & Talented Education)

Students with special abilities are those who are capable of outstanding achievement and performance. Their educational programmes, beyond those normally provided in the regular school programme, are referred to as GATE (Gifted and Talented Education).

Identification of GATE Students

The HOS Year 9 places incoming Year 9 students in form classes and liaises with the GATE Coordinator with regard to the identification of students with special abilities. Classroom teachers also have the chance to nominate students with GATE potential at the end of each Term. 

Students will be identified from a range of sources and processes, including:

  • Cashmere High School Teachers

  • MidYIS/e-asTTel

  • Examination and test results – NCEA Level 1-4

  • Previous school records

Definition of GATE Students

“Academically gifted who possess demonstrated exceptional academic ability.”

As a general guideline about 10% of students will be identified as having special abilities:

  • General intellectual ability

  • Leadership ability (covered by SLT and HoS Leadership Programmes)

  • Specific academic aptitude i.e. visual arts, Te reo, performing arts, creative thinking etc

Gate Programme

The GATE programme will include enrichment activities to extend understanding and skills and/or curriculum acceleration to provide learning at a challenging level 

(Flow Chart Click here).

  • GATE Programme split into Senior and Junior school

  • Awareness of preferred learning styles, study skills and how to learn

  • Future Problem Solving/CIE/Scholarship Programme

  • Tertiary STAR courses 

  • GATE Conferences (International/National/Regional)

  • Junior and Senior Enrichment Days / Model UN/EU / Radio Show

GATE Coordinator: Leigh Barker