
Pastoral Care

To support students and keep them safe at school we have an extensive Pastoral Care system:

  • The Form Teacher assists with daily administration, such as notices, absence follow up, and general guidance.

  • Classroom Teachers support student learning and encourage good work habits.

  • Heads of School (Dean of each year level) help keep the school safe by following up discipline issues and guiding student decision making.

  • Careers Staff provide advice and guidance on further tertiary study opportunities and employment options beyond schooling.

  • Our Senior Peer support programme uses mature senior students to be role models and be friendly “go to people” for younger students.

  • Guidance Counsellors are available for students needing personal support and guidance.

  • The Nurse and Health Clinic are open so students can access free health care and advice from registered professionals.

  • Students can be referred to a mentoring programme with youth workers to help keep engaged in school and make good life choices.

Guidance Counsellors

The Counsellors in a high school are an integral part of the learning phenomenon.

Their role is to identify, address and help eliminate any barriers to learning. This may involve, at times, referrals to other agencies.

When health matters are concerned, the health Privacy code is used and any referrals for students under the age of 16 are made in discussion with parents or caregivers.

Most students seen by the Counsellors here at Cashmere are self-referred.

We always endeavour to include parents in our work but it is a professional counselling service, therefore we respect confidentiality unless the student gives consent to include others or there is a serious risk of harm.

Cashmere has three full-time Counsellors who work closely with the pastoral guidance team.  They are part of the Student Support Faculty.

Health Clinic

The Health Clinic is a self referral clinic which is open 9am-4pm Monday to Friday in the administration block.

Registered Nurses: 

Annie Ogilvie RCPN (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and 
Fay Manning (Thursday and Friday)

​​​​​​​Email: [email protected]

Phone: +64 3 337 4728 

Appointments can be made with the Nurse (no fees) for the following services:

​​​​​​​School Physiotherapist:  (12.15pm -1.15pm Wednesday) Barrington Physiotherapy Clinic

Email our nurses for an appointment.

We offer free confidential consultations including:

Student Health (Links)