Student Stories

Raquel Cautrecasas Cobos (Mexico)

I am really happy in Year 9 at Cashmere high school... Read more

Flavie Baffou (France)

As I love take pictures, here is my school report with many pictures that I’ve taken since the first of September. I hope you’ll enjoy my work as much as I’ve loved doing it... Read more

Catalina Rojas (Chile)

My experience in New Zealand was definitely good, it was the best decision that I could have made... Read more

Panida Intarasit (Thailand)

I came to New Zealand because I wanted to study English and learn a new culture. The day after I arrived in New Zealand I went to Cashmere High School. I met new friends and I was so excited, I loved them! Read more​​​​​​​

Sayo Kumazawa (Japan)

Although my life at Cashmere High School was only one year, I have got a lot of memories which I will never forget. Everything I experienced at Cashmere was new for me, such as studying with Kiwi teachers and students. That was totally a new world to me. Read more

Laura Buchler (Germany)

I really enjoyed being a student in Cashmere High School. It was a year, quite different to my normal life back in Switzerland. The school is so much easier and so relaxed here. I chose awesome subjects that I can't do at home, like Outdoor Education, Photography, Tourism, Childcare or Maori. Read more

Mika Gao (China)

My name is Fan Gao, I come from Beijing in China. I am studying at Cashmere High School in Christchurch, the biggest city in the South Island. Read more

Giulia Taminini (Italy)

When I arrived in New Zealand I was a bit scared because was all different and I never been in a so away country from my home. My host family was instantly nice and very kind with me. Read more

Leonardo Bandeira (Brazil)

Hello my name is Leonardo and I have studied at Cashmere High School for a year. I have lived in a New Zealand homestay and it has certainly been the best thing I have ever done in my life. Read more

Riho Kawabata (Japan)

I have had a lot of good experiences at Cashmere High School. At Cashmere High School, there are so many interesting events every year such as Athletics Day, International Food Festival and House competitions. Read more