Mathmatics & Statistics

The study of Mathematics and Statistics satisfies a wide range of interest and abilities; it develops the imagination, and trains students to think clearly and logically.  Students learn to create models, to conjecture, to justify and verify, to find patterns, to generalise and to predict.  They learn to estimate with reasonableness and calculate with precision.  Mathematics and Statistics is used in widely different areas of science and technology, is integral to our everyday lives and contributes to the wealth of the country.


Mathematics is about exploring pattern and structure; it is about logical analysis, deduction and calculation within these patterns and structures. The mathematics of these patterns is used to explain and control natural happenings and situations. 


Statistics is about exploring and understanding data in order to prove differences between groups and to predict outcomes. By using statistics and probability tools we are able to gain a better understanding of the world around us.


People are constantly confronted with information and the need to make choices and decisions based the raw data they receive. Phones deliver information about traffic, we have ratings about restaurants or books, and even rankings of hospitals. Data is everywhere..., our lives are governed by numbers... therefore the development of appropriate methods of thinking, analysing and making sense of this data is an increasingly important part of modern life.

Statistics encourages you to question what you see in data and critically evaluate reports produced by others.  It develops an appreciation of variation, an understanding of statistical models and formalises statistical inference methods. 

 “Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.” H G Wells (1886 – 1946)



Mathematics deals with the logic of shape, quantity and arrangement. Mathematics is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, architecture (ancient and modern), art, money, engineering, and even sports.

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of rates of change. No objects—from the stars in space to subatomic particles or cells in the body—are always at rest. Indeed, just about everything in the universe is constantly moving. Calculus plays a crucial part in determining how these particles, stars, and matter actually move and change in real time. Calculus is used in a multitude of fields, including physics, engineering, economics, statistics, and medicine.

‘In order to understand the universe you must know the language in which it is written and that language is Mathematics’ – Galileo Galilei
