Special Needs Te Pukenga

Te Pukenga is a specialist facility for students who have been verified on the Ongoing Resource Scheme (ORS High or Very High) and require the additional support of a specialist facility.

Te Pukenga Cashmere High School – embracing the philosophy of *Conductive Education and the New Zealand Curriculum.

‘Crafting good citizens through vibrant opportunities in order to inspire personal and collective excellence’ (Cashmere High School Vision).

Te Pukenga Conductive Education. We are proud of our purpose-built building that is nestled within the culturally rich, educationally diverse environment of Cashmere High School.

Te Pukenga Programmes

Te Pukenga programmes are designed to provide students with age appropriate functional living skills, communication skills, social skills, leisure skills and vocational skills. Specific emphasis is placed on daily physical programmes to achieve the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for all students. In the specialist facility South Pacific Educational Courses (SPEC) provide core learning opportunities across the weekly timetable. Programmes empower students through diverse learning opportunities and approaches.

Te Pukenga School and Wider Community Inclusion ​​​​​​​

Professional staff from the specialist facility and Learning Support work together to establish mainstreaming options for students and the placement of students into the mainstream SPEC class. Students placed in this class will work towards gaining The New Zealand Certificate in Skills for Living for Supported Learners, NZQA qualification. Specialist facility and Learning Support staff work with families to identify work experience opportunities and leisure activities within the school and wider community based on the outcomes of individual education plans (I.E.P.s) and transition plans (I.T.P.s).

The Te Pukenga Team 

The Te Pukenga team combines professional expertise from Conductor-Teachers, Specialist Teachers, a Manager and a Speech Language Therapist, supported by an experienced team of Teacher Aides to work holistically with students and families. The Conductor-Teachers specialise in developing individualised programmes for all students (functional and therapeutic).


Those interested in enrolling a student with Te Pukenga please contact Tom Wilkinson, Head of Student Support (+64 3 332 9129 ext 715).

*Conductive Education teaches people with movement disorders to achieve greater independence in their daily lives.